Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthorsJournalPublication year
Identification of Two Novel Peptides That Inhibit α-Synuclein Toxicity and Aggregation(Open Access) Popova B, Wang D, (...), Braus GHFrontiers in Molecular Neuroscience2021
Small Molecule Fisetin Modulates Alpha–Synuclein Aggregation(Open Access) Rosado-Ramos R, Godinho-Pereira J, (...), Nunes dos Santos CMolecules2021
Alpha-synuclein research: defining strategic moves in the battle against Parkinson’s disease(Open Access) Oliveira LMA, Gasser T, (...), Outeiro TFnpj Parkinsons Disease2021
Monitoring Alpha-Synuclein – Tau Interactions In Vitro and In Vivo Using Bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation(Open Access) Torres-Garcia L, Domingues JM, (...), Li JResearchsquare2021
Ectosomes and exosomes are distinct proteomic entities that modulate spontaneous activity in neuronal cells(Open Access) Brás IC, Khani MH, (...), Outeiro TFbioRxiv2021
Molecular bases of mitochondrial disorders(Open Access) Chacinska A, Rehling PFEBS Letters2021
Protein Signatures of NK Cell–Mediated Melanoma Killing Predict Response to Immunotherapies(Open Access) Cappello S, Sung H, (...), Bogeski ICancer Research2021
Impaired Exercise Tolerance in Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot Is Associated With Impaired Biventricular Contractile Reserve: An Exercise-Stress Real-Time Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Study(Open Access) Steinmetz M, Stümpfig T, (...), Paul TCirculation-Cardiovascular Imaging2021
0753 Free-Breathing Liver Fat and R2* Mapping: Multi-Echo Radial FLASH and Model-based Reconstruction (MERLOT)(Open Access) Tan Z, Rosenzweig S, (...), Uecker MProceedings of the 2021 ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition2021
Genomic basis of syndromic short stature in an Algerian patient cohortMoosa S, Chentli F, (...), Wollnik BAmerican Journal of Medical Genetics Part A2021