Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthorsJournalPublication year
Photophysical properties and fluorescence lifetime imaging of exfoliated near-infrared fluorescent silicate nanosheets(Open Access) Selvaggio G, Weitzel M, (...), Kruss SNanoscale Advances2021
CaMKII inhibition has dual effects on spontaneous Ca2+ release and Ca2+ alternans in ventricular cardiomyocytes from mice with a gain-of-function RyR2 mutation(Open Access) Sadredini M, Haugsten Hansen M, (...), Stokke MKAmerican Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology2021
Allosteric transcription stimulation by RNA polymerase II super elongation complexChen Y, Vos SM, Dienemann C, Ninov M, Urlaub H, Cramer PMolecular Cell2021
Common molecular mechanisms underlie the transfer of alpha-synuclein, Tau and huntingtin and modulate spontaneous activity in neuronal cells(Open Access) Brás IC, Khani MH, (...), Outeiro TFbioRxiv2021
Structural basis of intron selection by U2 snRNP in the presence of covalent inhibitors(Open Access) Cretu C, Gee P, (...), Pena VNature Communications2021
MFSD2A-associated primary microcephaly - Expanding the clinical and mutational spectrum of this ultra-rare diseaseKhuller K, Yigit G, (...), Kuechler AEuropean Journal of Medical Genetics2021
Mapping Activity-Dependent Quasi-Stationary States of Mitochondrial Membranes with Graphene-Induced Energy Transfer Imaging(Open Access) Raja SO, Chizhik AI, Schmidt CF, Enderlein J, Ghosh AbioRxiv2021
Advanced fluorescence correlation spectroscopy for studying biomolecular conformation(Open Access) Ghosh A, Enderlein JCurrent Opinion in Structural Biology2021
Organs-on-chip models for cardiovascular drug development(Open Access) Zimmermann WCardiovascular Research2021
Establishment of two homozygous CRISPR interference (CRISPRi) knock-in human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) lines for titratable endogenous gene repression(Open Access) Schoger E, Zimmermann W, Cyganek L, Zelarayán LCStem Cell Research2021