Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthorsJournalPublication year
Pathological polyQ expansion does not alter the conformation of the Huntingtin-HAP40 complexHuang B, Guo Q, (...), Fernández-Busnadiego RStructure2021
Pore-Spanning Plasma Membranes Derived from Giant Plasma Membrane VesiclesTeiwes NK, Mey I, Baumann PC, Strieker L, Unkelbach U, Steinem CACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2021
In situ architecture of neuronal α-Synuclein inclusions(Open Access) Trinkaus VA, Riera-Tur I, (...), Fernández-Busnadiego RNature Communications2021
Ruler elements in chromatin remodelers set nucleosome array spacing and phasing(Open Access) Oberbeckmann E, Niebauer V, (...), Korber PNature Communications2021
IGF1 Receptor Regulates Upward Firing Rate Homeostasis via the Mitochondrial Calcium Uniporter(Open Access) Katsenelson M, Shapira I, (...), Slutsky IbioRxiv2021
3D virtual Histopathology of Cardiac Tissue from Covid-19 Patients based on Phase-Contrast X-ray Tomography(Open Access) Reichardt M, Jensen PM, (...), Salditt TbioRxiv2021
Overarching control of autophagy and DNA damage response by CHD6 revealed by modeling a rare human pathology(Open Access) Kargapolova Y, Rehimi R, (...), Papantonis ANature Communications2021
Non‐negative blind deconvolution for signal processing in a CRISPR‐edited iPSC‐cardiomyocyte model of dilated cardiomyopathyXu H, Wali R, (...), Ebert AFEBS Letters2021
MINSTED fluorescence localization and nanoscopy(Open Access) Weber M, Leutenegger M, (...), Hell SWNature Photonics2021
Structures of mammalian RNA polymerase II pre-initiation complexesAibara S, Schilbach S, Cramer PNature2021