Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthors ▴JournalPublication year
The alpha-synuclein oligomers activate nuclear factor of activated T-cell (NFAT) modulating synaptic homeostasis and apoptosis(Open Access) Sant’Anna R, Robbs BK, (...), Foguel DMolecular Medicine2023
The small molecule inhibitor anle145c thermodynamically traps human islet amyloid peptide in the form of non-cytotoxic oligomers(Open Access) Saravanan MS, Ryazanov S, (...), Killian JAScientific Reports2019
Quantitative analysis of hidden particles diffusing behind a scattering layer using speckle correlation(Open Access) Sarkar A, Wang I, Enderlein J, Derouard J, Delon AOptics Express2020
Kinetics of Loop Closure in Disordered Proteins: Theory vs Simulations vs ExperimentsSatija R, Das A, Mühle S, Enderlein J, Makarov DEJournal of Physical Chemistry B2020
[11C]MODAG 005 – a novel PET tracer targeting alpha-synuclein aggregates in the brain(Open Access) Saw RS, Buss S, (...), Herfert KResearchsquare2024
Transcription activation depends on the length of the RNA polymerase II C‐terminal domain(Open Access) Sawicka A, Villamil G, (...), Cramer PEMBO Journal2021
Amyloid-like aggregates cause lysosomal defects in neurons via gain-of-function toxicitySchaefer T, Riera-Tur I, (...), Dudanova IbioRxiv2019
Imaging of excised cochleae by micro-CT: staining, liquid embedding, and image modalitiesSchaeper JJ, Liberman MC, Salditt TDevelopments in X-Ray Tomography XIV2022
Imaging of excised cochleae by micro-CT: staining, liquid embedding, and image modalities(Open Access) Schaeper JJ, Liberman MC, Salditt TJournal of Medical Imaging2023
Myelin insulation as a risk factor for axonal degeneration in autoimmune demyelinating disease(Open Access) Schäffner E, Bosch-Queralt M, (...), Stassart RMNature Neuroscience2023