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Working Groups RG Enderlein
Open AccessOpen Access Yes
Publication TypePreprint
Peer ReviewedNo
DOIDOI 10.1101/2021.12.20.473473
Publication Year2021
TitleIsotropic Three-Dimensional Dual-Color Super-Resolution Microscopy with Metal-Induced Energy Transfer
ISSNno ISSN (NLM ID:101680187)
Journal AbbreviationbioRxiv
ExtraFinal article published in Science Advances here: doi:10.1126/sciadv.abo2506
AuthorsThiele JC, Jungblut M, Helmerich DA, Tsukanov R, Chizhik A, Chizhik AI, Schnermann M, Sauer M, Nevskyi O, Enderlein J
First AuthorThiele JC
Last AuthorEnderlein J

 External Resources

 biorxiv....ll.pdf  Article fulltext

 10.25625/2HOMI3 identifier (10.25625/2HOMI3)

 gro-2/98094  GRO.publications identifier

 9606  NCBI taxonomy (human, Homo sapiens)

 0000-0002-6638-6298  ORCID identifier (Jan Christoph Thiele)

 0000-0002-3967-1755  ORCID identifier (Roman Tsukanov)

 0000-0002-4523-5167  ORCID identifier (Anna Chizhik)

 0000-0003-0454-5924  ORCID identifier (Alexey I. Chizhik)

 0000-0002-0503-0116  ORCID identifier (Martin Schnermann)

 0000-0002-1692-3219  ORCID identifier (Markus Sauer)

 0000-0003-2893-481X  ORCID identifier (Oleksii Nevskyi)

 0000-0001-5091-7157  ORCID identifier (Jörg Enderlein)

 504  Published Data Registry entry (MBExC)

 1/341  Research Data Archive (supplemental material)

 05xy1nn52  ROR identifier (05xy1nn52, Multiscale Bioimaging)

 040gcmg81  ROR identifier (040gcmg81, National Cancer Institute)

 01y9bpm73  ROR identifier (01y9bpm73, University of Göttingen)

 00fbnyb24  ROR identifier (00fbnyb24, University of Würzburg)

 CVCL_0224  SciCrunch identifier (RRID:CVCL_0224, COS-7)

 CVCL_0042  SciCrunch identifier (RRID:CVCL_0042, U2OS)

 SCR_016263  SciCrunch identifier (RRID:SCR_016263, SymPhoTime 64)

 biorxiv....d=true  Supplemental material  Supplemental material (code)

Linked Antibodies

PIDAGTypeAntigen symbolAntibody Registry IDName
primary-0255primaryTUBA4AAB_2210057Anti-alpha Tubulin antibody
primary-0256primaryTUBB3AB_1844090Monoclonal Anti-β-Tubulin antibody
primary-0257primaryCLTCAB_2083165Anti-Clathrin heavy chain antibody
primary-0870primaryCLTC AB_303256Anti-Clathrin heavy chain antibody [X22]
secondary-0252secondaryAB_228335Goat anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) Cross-Adsorbed Secondary Antibody
secondary-0253secondaryAnti-Mouse IgG (H+L)
secondary-0254secondaryAB_2535806F(ab')2-Goat anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) Cross-Adsorbed Secondary Antibody, Alexa Fluor 647