Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthorsJournal ▴Publication year
Ruler elements in chromatin remodelers set nucleosome array spacing and phasing(Open Access) Oberbeckmann E, Niebauer V, (...), Korber PNature Communications2021
Overarching control of autophagy and DNA damage response by CHD6 revealed by modeling a rare human pathology(Open Access) Kargapolova Y, Rehimi R, (...), Papantonis ANature Communications2021
Bleaching protection and axial sectioning in fluorescence nanoscopy through two-photon activation at 515 nm(Open Access) Bredfeldt J, Oracz J, (...), Hell SWNature Communications2024
The heart is a resident tissue for hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells in zebrafish(Open Access) Bornhorst D, Hejjaji AV, (...), Gunawan FNature Communications2024
Hijacking of internal calcium dynamics by intracellularly residing viral rhodopsins(Open Access) Eria-Oliveira A, Folacci M, (...), Vivaudou MNature Communications2024
Structural basis of GTPase-mediated mitochondrial ribosome biogenesis and recycling(Open Access) Hillen HS, Lavdovskaia E, (...), Richter-Dennerlein RNature Communications2021
Developmental GABA polarity switch and neuronal plasticity in Bioengineered Neuronal Organoids(Open Access) Zafeiriou M, Bao G, (...), Zimmermann WNature Communications2020
Structural basis of intron selection by U2 snRNP in the presence of covalent inhibitors(Open Access) Cretu C, Gee P, (...), Pena VNature Communications2021
Measuring sub-nanometer undulations at microsecond temporal resolution with metal- and graphene-induced energy transfer spectroscopy(Open Access) Chen T, Karedla N, Enderlein JNature Communications2024
The clinical drug candidate anle138b binds in a cavity of lipidic α-synuclein fibrils(Open Access) Antonschmidt L, Matthes D, (...), Andreas LBNature Communications2022