Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthorsJournalPublication year
MPV17 Mutations Are Associated With a Quiescent Energetic Metabolic Profile(Open Access) Jacinto S, Guerreiro P, (...), Outeiro TFFrontiers in Cellular Neuroscience2021
Developing Fast, Red-Light Optogenetic Stimulation of Spiral Ganglion Neurons for Future Optical Cochlear Implants(Open Access) Huet AT, Dombrowski T, Rankovic V, Thirumalai A, Moser TFrontiers in Molecular Neuroscience2021
Posterior analysis of n in the binomial (n,p) problem with both parameters unknown -- with applications to quantitative nanoscopy(Open Access) Schmidt-Hieber J, Schneider LF, Staudt T, Krajina A, Aspelmeier T, Munk AarXiv2021
The ultrametric Gromov-Wasserstein distance(Open Access) Mémoli F, Munk A, Wan Z, Weitkamp CarXiv2021
Frame-constrained total variation regularization for white noise regression(Open Access) del Álamo M, Li H, Munk AAnnals of Statistics2021
The Statistics of Circular Optimal Transport(Open Access) Hundrieser S, Klatt M, Munk AarXiv2021
Generation of bright autobioluminescent bacteria by chromosomal integration of the improved lux operon ilux2Gregor CbioRxiv2021
Limit Distributions and Sensitivity Analysis for Entropic Optimal Transport on Countable Spaces(Open Access) Hundrieser S, Klatt M, Munk AarXiv2021
Transport Dependency: Optimal Transport Based Dependency Measures(Open Access) Nies TG, Staudt T, Munk AarXiv2021
Loss-of-function variants in DNM1 cause a specific form of developmental and epileptic encephalopathy only in biallelic state(Open Access) Yigit G, Sheffer R, (...), Brockmann KJournal of Medical Genetics2021