Technical Support:
Department of Medical Informatics
University Medical Center Göttingen
PID | primary-0612 |
Research group | RG Wollnik |
Quality (mean) | no score (0.00) |
Sharing level | Public |
Antigen symbol | CBX5 |
Antibody Registry ID(s) | AB_2614983 |
Name | CBX5-human antibody |
Alternative name | HP1-ALPHA |
Lab ID | |
Tag / Fluorophore | |
Raised in | Mouse |
Reacts with | human |
Clone | |
Isotype | IgG1κ |
Clonality | monoclonal |
Demasking | unknown |
Antigen | This HP1α antibody was raised against a recombinant protein corresponding to amino acids 67-119 of mouse HP1α. |
Crafted By | company |
Company / Manufacturer | Active Motif |
Catalog no. | 39977 |
Lot no. | 31812003 |
Description | |
Localization | |
Storage instruction | |
Receipt date | 2021-07-28 00:00:00 |
Preparation date | 2021-07-28 00:00:00 |
Created by | Klauenberg, Vanessa |
Last modified | Klauenberg, Vanessa |
Antibodypedia | - |
HGNC | |
Wikipedia | |
Uniprot | |
GeneCards | |
Antibody Registry | |
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Overarching control of autophagy and DNA damage response by CHD6 revealed by modeling a rare human pathology
Kargapolova Y, Rehimi R, Kayserili H, Brühl J, Sofiadis K, Zirkel A, Palikyras S, Mizi A, Li Y, Yigit G, Hoischen A, Frank S, Russ N, Trautwein J, van Bon B, Gilissen C, Laugsch M, Gusmao EG, Josipovic N, Altmüller J, Nürnberg P, Längst G, Kaiser FJ, Watrin E, Brunner H, Rada-Iglesias A, Kurian L, Wollnik B, Bouazoune K, Papantonis A
Nat Commun 2021 : 10.1038/s41467-021-23327-1