View primary antibody

Basic data

Research groupRG Lehnart
Quality (mean)no score (0.00)
Sharing levelPublic

Antibody data

Antigen symbolV5 Tag
Antibody Registry ID(s)AB_2556564
NameV5 Tag Monoclonal Antibody
Alternative name
Lab ID
Tag / Fluorophore
Raised inMouse
Reacts withC., elegans, Fruit, fly, Hamster, human, Insect, Marsupial, mouse, Primate, pig, Protozoa, rat
AntigenV5 synthetic peptide
Crafted Bycompany
Company / ManufacturerThermo Fisher Scientific (Invitrogen)
Catalog no.R960-25
Lot no.
Storage instructionStore at 4°C short term. For long term storage, store at -20°C, avoiding freeze/thaw cycles.
Receipt date2021-01-27 00:00:00
Preparation date2021-01-27 00:00:00
Created byKlauenberg, Vanessa
Last modifiedKlauenberg, Vanessa

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Linked publications

14-3-3 binding creates a memory of kinase action by stabilizing the modified state of phospholamban
Menzel J, Kownatzki-Danger D, Tokar S, Ballone A, Unthan-Fechner K, Kilisch M, Lenz C, Urlaub H, Mori M, Ottmann C, Shattock MJ, Lehnart SE, Schwappach B
Sci Signal 2020 : 10.1126/scisignal.aaz1436

Caveolin3 Stabilizes McT1-Mediated Lactate/Proton Transport in Cardiomyocytes
Peper J, Kownatzki-Danger D, Weninger G, Seibertz F, Pronto JR, Sutanto H, Pacheu Grau D, Hindmarsh R, Brandenburg S, Kohl T, Hasenfuβ G, Gotthardt M, Rog-Zielinska EA, Wollnik B, Rehling P, Urlaub H, Wegener JW, Heijman J, Voigt N, Cyganek L, Lenz C, Lehnart SE
Circ Res 2021 : 10.1161/circresaha.119.316547