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Working Groups RG Enderlein
Open AccessOpen Access Yes
Publication TypePreprint
Peer ReviewedNo
DOIDOI 10.1101/2024.04.04.588072
Publication Year2024
TitleSuper-resolution going viral: T4 virus particles as perfect nature-designed 3D-Bio-NanoRulers
ISSNno ISSN (NLM ID:101680187)
Journal AbbreviationbioRxiv
ExtraFinal article published in Advanced Materials here: doi:10.1002/adma.202403365
AuthorsGallea JI, Nevskyi O, Kazmierczak Z, Chen T, Miernikiewicz P, Chizhik A, Dabrowska K, Bates M, Enderlein J
First AuthorGallea JI
Last AuthorEnderlein J

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 biorxiv....ll.pdf  Article fulltext

 37762  NCBI taxonomy (Escherichia coli B)

 10090  NCBI taxonomy (mouse, Mus musculus)

 0000-0002-9762-1203  ORCID identifier (Jose Ignacio Gallea)

 0000-0003-2893-481X  ORCID identifier (Oleksii Nevskyi)

 0000-0001-7220-3518  ORCID identifier (Zuzanna Kaźmierczak)

 0000-0002-3906-4429  ORCID identifier (Tao Chen)

 0000-0003-4592-3741  ORCID identifier (Paulina Miernikiewicz)

 0000-0002-4523-5167  ORCID identifier (Anna Chizhik)

 0000-0002-1518-3183  ORCID identifier (Krystyna Dąbrowska)

 0000-0003-0668-5277  ORCID identifier (Mark Bates)

 0000-0001-5091-7157  ORCID identifier (Jörg Enderlein)

 1144  Published Data Registry entry (MBExC, final article)

 1/429  Research Data Archive (supplemental material)

 00ecchs44  ROR identifier (00ecchs44, Institut für Nanophotonik)

 05xy1nn52  ROR identifier (05xy1nn52, Multiscale Bioimaging)

 01dr6c206  ROR identifier (01dr6c206, Polish Academy of Sciences)

 01y9bpm73  ROR identifier (01y9bpm73, University of Göttingen)

 008fyn775  ROR identifier (008fyn775, Wrocław University of Science and Technology)

 SCR_003070  SciCrunch identifier (RRID:SCR_003070, ImageJ)

 biorxiv....d=true  Supplemental material

 biorxiv....d=true  Supplemental material (video)

 biorxiv....d=true  Supplemental material (video)  Website entry (