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Working Groups RG Ecker, RG Gollisch
Open AccessOpen Access Yes
Publication TypePreprint
Peer ReviewedNo
DOIDOI 10.1101/2024.03.06.583740
Publication Year2024
TitleConvolutional neural network models of the primate retina reveal adaptation to natural stimulus statistics
ISSNno ISSN (NLM ID:101680187)
Journal AbbreviationbioRxiv
ExtraNot yet finally published in a peer-reviewed journal
AuthorsVystrčilová M, Sridhar S, Burg MF, Gollisch T, Ecker AS
First AuthorVystrčilová M
Last AuthorEcker AS

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 gro-2/142406  GRO.publications identifier

 txid8296  NCBI taxonomy (NCBI:txid8296, Ambystoma mexicanum (Axolotl))

 txid9483  NCBI taxonomy identifier (NCBI:txid9483, Callithrix jacchus (common marmosets))

 0000-0002-8837-8555  ORCID identifier (Shashwat Sridhar)

 0000-0003-4402-4373  ORCID identifier (Max F. Burg)

 0000-0003-3998-533X  ORCID identifier (Tim Gollisch)

 0000-0003-2392-5105  ORCID identifier (Alexander S. Ecker)

 003g6b432  ROR identifier (003g6b432, Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Göttingen)

 0087djs12  ROR identifier (0087djs12, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization)

 04fq9j139  ROR identifier (04fq9j139, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems)

 05xy1nn52  ROR identifier (05xy1nn52, Multiscale Bioimaging)

 01y9bpm73  ROR identifier (01y9bpm73, University of Göttingen)

 021ft0n22  ROR identifier (021ft0n22, University Medical Center Göttingen)

 03a1kwz48  ROR identifier (03a1kwz48, University of Tübingen)

 SCR_018536  SciCrunch identifier (RRID:SCR_018536, Pytorch)  Website entry (