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Working Groups RG Zimmermann
Open AccessNo
Publication TypeJournal Article
Peer ReviewedYes
PMIDPubMed ID 35909053
DOIDOI 10.1016/j.bioadv.2022.213041
Publication Year2022
TitleUsing different geometries to modulate the cardiac fibroblast phenotype and the biomechanical properties of engineered connective tissues Wikidata
JournalBiomaterials Advances
Journal AbbreviationBiomater Adv
AuthorsSantos GL, DeGrave AN, Rehman A, Al Disi S, Xhaxho K, Schröder H, Meyer T, Tiburcy M, Dworatzek E, Zimmermann W, Lutz S
First AuthorSantos GL
Last AuthorLutz S
ScholiaScholia Wikidata-based representation at Scholia

 External Resources

 gro-2/113147  GRO.publications identifier

 0000-0002-0521-6711  ORCID identifier (Tim Meyer)

 0000-0002-6942-6275  ORCID identifier (Malte Tiburcy)

 0000-0003-1190-4040  ORCID identifier (Wolfram-Hubertus Zimmermann)

 0000-0002-0554-8070  ORCID identifier (Susanne Lutz)

 452  Published Data Registry entry (CRC 1002)

 001w7jn25  ROR identifier (001w7jn25, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin)

 01s1h3j07  ROR identifier (01s1h3j07, Fraunhofer Institute for Translational Medicine and Pharmacology)

 0220mzb33  ROR identifier (0220mzb33, King's College London)

 05xy1nn52  ROR identifier (05xy1nn52, Multiscale Bioimaging)

 021ft0n22  ROR identifier (021ft0n22, University Medical Center Göttingen)  Website entry (

 Q113879212  Wikidata ID