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Working Groups RG Brügmann, RG Hasenfuß, RG Lehnart
SubprojectRA2.1, RA2.2, RA3.1, RA3.2
Open AccessOpen Access Yes
Publication TypeJournal Article
Peer ReviewedYes
PMIDPubMed ID 34955889
DOIDOI 10.3389/fphys.2021.777770
Publication Year2021
TitleThe RyR2-R2474S Mutation Sensitizes Cardiomyocytes and Hearts to Catecholaminergic Stress-Induced Oxidation of the Mitochondrial Glutathione Pool
JournalFrontiers in Physiology
Journal AbbreviationFront Physiol
AuthorsWegener JW, Wagdi A, Wagner E, Katschinski DM, Hasenfuss G, Bruegmann T, Lehnart SE
First AuthorWegener JW
Last AuthorLehnart SE

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 9606  NCBI taxonomy (human, Homo sapiens)

 10090  NCBI taxonomy (mouse, Mus musculus)

 0000-0002-8129-1537  ORCID identifier (Jörg Werner Wegener)

 0000-0003-3128-1397  ORCID identifier (Eva Wagner)

 0000-0003-4630-9081  ORCID identifier (Dörthe Magdalena Katschinski)

 0000-0002-5942-361X  ORCID identifier (Gerd Hasenfuß)

 0000-0002-8115-3513  ORCID identifier (Stephan Elmar Lehnart)

 419  Published Data Registry entry (CRC 1002)

 1/13  Research Data Archive (supplemental material)

 031t5w623  ROR identifier (031t5w623, German Centre for Cardiovascular Research)

 05xy1nn52  ROR identifier (05xy1nn52, Multiscale Bioimaging)

 021ft0n22  ROR identifier (021ft0n22, University Medical Center Göttingen)

 SCR_002798  SciCrunch identifier (RRID:SCR_002798, GraphPad Prism)

 SCR_017551  SciCrunch identifier (RRID:SCR_017551, LabChart)

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