Property | Value |
Working Groups | RG Griesinger |
Subproject | None |
Open Access | Yes |
Publication Type | Preprint |
Peer Reviewed | No |
DOI | 10.1101/2024.08.27.609850 |
Publication Year | 2024 |
Title | The amyloid oligomer modulator anle138b has disease modifying effects in a human IAPP transgenic mouse model of type 2 diabetes mellitus (hIAPP Ob/Ob mice) |
Journal | bioRxiv |
ISSN | no ISSN (NLM ID:101680187) |
URL | |
Journal Abbreviation | bioRxiv |
Extra | Not yet finally published in a peer-reviewed journal |
Authors | Albariqi MMH, Baauw SM, Fens SJ, Versteeg S, Ryazanov S, Leonov A, Willemen HL, Stathonikos N, Seychell RM, Saghir AE, Gerritsen B, Khemtemourian L, Vassallo N, Giese A, Eijkelkamp N, Griesinger C, Höppener JWM |
First Author | Albariqi MMH |
Last Author | Höppener JWM |
External Resources
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