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Working Groups RG Köster, RG Munk
Open AccessOpen Access Yes
Publication TypeJournal Article
Peer ReviewedUnknown
PMIDPubMed ID 39749806
DOIDOI 10.1039/d4sm01127a
Publication Year2024
TitleGlobal alignment and local curvature of microtubules in mouse fibroblasts are robust against perturbations of vimentin and actin
JournalSoft Matter
Journal AbbreviationSoft Matter
AuthorsBlob A, Ventzke D, Rölleke U, Nies G, Munk A, Schaedel L, Köster S
First AuthorBlob A
Last AuthorKöster S

 External Resources

 pubs.rsc...01127a  Article fulltext

 0009-0008-6447-026X  ORCID identifier (David Ventzke)

 0000-0001-6037-845X  ORCID identifier (Ulrike Rölleke)

 0009-0002-7298-6676  ORCID identifier (Giacomo Nies)

 0000-0002-9181-9331  ORCID identifier (Axel Munk)

 0000-0002-0009-1024  ORCID identifier (Sarah Friederike Köster)

 1/559  Research Data Archive (supplemental material)

 031t5w623  ROR identifier (031t5w623, German Centre for Cardiovascular Research)

 05xy1nn52  ROR identifier (05xy1nn52, Multiscale Bioimaging)

 01jdpyv68  ROR identifier (01jdpyv68, Saarland University)

 01y9bpm73  ROR identifier (01y9bpm73, University of Göttingen)

 SCR_008394  SciCrunch identifier (RRID:SCR_008394, Python)  Supplemental material  Website entry (

Linked Antibodies

PIDAGTypeAntigen symbolAntibody Registry IDName
primary-1245primaryVIMEAB_10695459Vimentin (D21H3) XP® Rabbit mAb
primary-1866primaryTBA1AAB_1965960alpha Tubulin Monoclonal Antibody (DM1A)
secondary-0215secondaryAB_2534088Goat anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) Highly Cross-Adsorbed Secondary Antibody, Alexa Fluor 488
secondary-1867secondaryAB_2714032Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG H&L (Alexa Fluor® 647) preadsorbed