View secondary antibody

Basic data

Research groupRG Zimmermann
Quality (mean)no score (0.00)
Sharing levelPublic

Antibody data

Antibody Registry ID(s)AB_2617138
NameGoat Anti-Rabbit Immunoglobulins/HRP antibody
Alternative name
Lab ID
Tag / Fluorophore
Raised inGoat
AntigenImmunoglobulins rabbit
Excitation Max.
Emission Max.
Crafted Bycompany
Company / ManufacturerAgilent (Dako)
Catalog no.P0448
Lot no.
Storage instruction
Receipt date2021-10-18 00:00:00
Preparation date2021-10-18 00:00:00
Created byKlauenberg, Vanessa
Last modifiedKlauenberg, Vanessa

External links

Antibody Registry


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Linked publications

Establishment of two homozygous CRISPR interference (CRISPRi) knock-in human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) lines for titratable endogenous gene repression
Schoger E, Zimmermann W, Cyganek L, Zelarayán LC
Stem Cell Res 2021 : 10.1016/j.scr.2021.102473

Establishment of a second generation homozygous CRISPRa human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) line for enhanced levels of endogenous gene activation
Schoger E, Zimmermann W, Cyganek L, Zelarayán LC
Stem Cell Res 2021 : 10.1016/j.scr.2021.102518

Plasma extracellular vesicle tau and TDP-43 as diagnostic biomarkers in FTD and ALS
Chatterjee M, Özdemir S, Fritz C, Möbius W, Kleineidam L, Mandelkow E, Biernat J, Doğdu C, Peters O, Cosma NC, Wang X, Schneider LS, Priller J, Spruth E, Kühn AA, Krause P, Klockgether T, Vogt IR, Kimmich O, Spottke A, Hoffmann DC, Fliessbach K, Miklitz C, McCormick C, Weydt P, Falkenburger B, Brandt M, Guenther R, Dinter E, Wiltfang J, Hansen N, Bähr M, Zerr I, Flöel A, Nestor PJ, Düzel E, Glanz W, Incesoy E, Bürger K, Janowitz D, Perneczky R, Rauchmann BS, Hopfner F, Wagemann O, Levin J, Teipel S, Kilimann I, Goerss D, Prudlo J, Gasser T, Brockmann K, Mengel D, Zimmermann M, Synofzik M, Wilke C, Selma-González J, Turon-Sans J, Santos-Santos MA, Alcolea D, Rubio-Guerra S, Fortea J, Carbayo Á, Lleó A, Rojas-García R, Illán-Gala I, Wagner M, Frommann I, Roeske S, Bertram L, Heneka MT, Brosseron F, Ramirez A, Schmid M, Beschorner R, Halle A, Herms J, Neumann M, Barthélemy NR, Bateman RJ, Rizzu P, Heutink P, Dols-Icardo O, Höglinger G, Hermann A, Schneider A
Nat Med 2024 : 10.1038/s41591-024-02937-4

Human induced pluripotent stem cells for live cell cycle monitoring and endogenous gene activation
Kim R, Nagel SH, Liaw NY, Zimmermann W, Zelarayán LC, Schoger E
Stem Cell Res 2024 : 10.1016/j.scr.2024.103531